Having arrived in the Seychelles on Monday morning, it's great to be back. Coming out of the British winter, the weather will take a bit of adjusting to. It's been around 31 degrees, humid and breezy - in other words - lovely! Jumping into the 10km race (and opting against the half-marathon or marathon) seemed like a good way to get a little extra run fitness ahead of Ironman South Africa. I treated this as a training day, but still upped my Extreme Endurance supplementation to 8/day for a couple of days leading up.
The race started at 7am, with competitors from distances 5km, 10km, half-marathon and marathon all in a mass start. It was great to see that loads of kids turn up to compete in the 5km race, all on the front line at the start, eager to out-sprint their buddies (most of them without shoes). The route was rolling throughout, making it tough to dial a pace and find a constant rhythm. The first couple of kms went by quite slowly as I struggled to find my running legs, but then things picked up a little. There were a few aid stations en route where I grabbed as much water as possible and poured it over myself to keep cool. Once I reached the 7.5km mark I realised I had a lead of just over a minute, but I was starting to struggle. The constant inclines made it a tough day, as I finished in around 38m30s. Surprisingly enough, thats the first 10km race I've ever done! It was nice to catch up with a few familiar faces post race.
With 6 weeks to go until the Big Day, the emphasis is on getting some swim and bike mileage under my belt. The run mileage has been banked over winter, so it's now a case of maintenance. Factor in the taper and there's not much training time left! Flights are booked and I cannot wait!
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